Feral Queer Camp is a program that takes place around queer performance festivals like Midsumma (Melbourne) and Outburst Festival (Belfast), creating a cohort of queer performance enthusiasts to navigate the festival together.

This group attends performances and workshop events together to consider: how we learn (from each other) about what makes performance queer; how we talk about queer performance; how we make performance; how we might queer reviewing and funding; and, above all, how we might develop a network of queer thinker-makers who can talk amongst ourselves and to others about queer performance.

Facilitated by a gaggle of feral queer academics assembled by camp captains Alyson Campbell and Steve Farrier, this is open to anyone in the community – theatre die-hards, developing artists, practitioners: people who have not (yet) had access to, or have been let down by, or have chosen not to enter into, Higher Education but are hungry to encounter a utopian queer curriculum largely of their own devising. 

Feral Queer Camp aims to open up a way for queer people excluded from formal education to engage with learning about both performance analysis and queer thinking and their intersections.


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